Results for: stephan koja

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of CLAUDE MONET
By: stephan koja | Published: October 2023

Now available in paperback, this beautifully illustrated biography is the perfect introduction to Monet's artistic achievements. How did Monet's...

Now available in paperback, this beautifully illustrated biography is the perfect introduction to Monet's artistic achievements. How did Monet's childhood at the seaside influence his art? Why was he so fascinated with water lilies? And why are his paintings still so popular? These and other questions are answered in this lively biography that features exquisite reproductions and an accessible and engaging text. As they learn how the artist employed light and color to magical effect, young readers will develop an understanding of Impressionism's basic principles and Monet's singular genius.

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  • Category
    The Arts - Music, Art, Architecture
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