Results for: p laboucane-benson

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

By: p laboucane-benson | Published: July 2023

Pete, jeune autochtone membre d’un gang violent de l’Alberta, vit avec son petit frère, Joey, et sa mère héroïnomane. Une nuit, Pete et le...

Pete, jeune autochtone membre d’un gang violent de l’Alberta, vit avec son petit frère, Joey, et sa mère héroïnomane. Une nuit, Pete et le petit ami de sa mère se disputent, ce qui envoie Dennis à la morgue et Pete en prison. Au début de son incarcération, Pete maintient ses liens avec son gang, jusqu'à ce qu'une bagarre l'amène à réaliser l'influence négative qu'il a sur Joey. Pour lui éviter de suivre son mauvais exemple, il entame un processus de réhabilitation fait de cercles et de cérémonies de guérison autochtones traditionnels. Mais la route vers la rédemption est longue et parsemée d’embûches…

Theme: Indigenous

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover French
  • Category
    French Graphic Novel Teen
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Book cover of OUTSIDE CIRCLE
By: p laboucane-benson | Published: May 2015

Winner, CODE's 2016 Burt Award for First Nation, Inuit and Métis Literature In this important graphic novel, two Aboriginal brothers...

Winner, CODE's 2016 Burt Award for First Nation, Inuit and Métis Literature In this important graphic novel, two Aboriginal brothers surrounded by poverty, drug abuse, and gang violence, try to overcome centuries of historic trauma in very different ways to bring about positive change in their lives. Pete, a young Aboriginal man wrapped up in gang violence, lives with his younger brother, Joey, and his mother who is a heroin addict. One night, Pete and his mother's boyfriend, Dennis, get into a big fight, which sends Dennis to the morgue and Pete to jail. Initially, Pete keeps up ties to his crew, until a jail brawl forces him to realize the negative influence he has become on Joey, which encourages him to begin a process of rehabilitation that includes traditional Aboriginal healing circles and ceremonies. Powerful, courageous, and deeply moving, The Outside Circle is drawn from the author's twenty years of work and research on healing and reconciliation of gang-affiliated or incarcerated Aboriginal men.

Theme: Indigenous

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Graphic Novel Teen
Retail Price: