Results for: trungle nguyen

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of MAGIC FISH
By: trungle nguyen | Published: October 2020

Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he's been keeping from them, and it might change everything. Real life isn't a...

Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he's been keeping from them, and it might change everything. Real life isn't a fairytale. But Tiến still enjoys reading his favorite stories with his parents from the books he borrows from the local library. It's hard enough trying to communicate with your parents as a kid, but for Tiến, he doesn't even have the right words because his parents are struggling with their English. Is there a Vietnamese word for what he's going through? Is there a way to tell them he's gay?

Theme: LGBTQ2S+, Vietnam, Asian Heritage

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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Book cover of MAGIC FISH
By: trungle nguyen | Published: October 2020

Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he's been keeping from them, and it might change everything. Real life isn't a...

Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he's been keeping from them, and it might change everything. Real life isn't a fairytale. But Tiến still enjoys reading his favorite stories with his parents from the books he borrows from the local library. It's hard enough trying to communicate with your parents as a kid, but for Tiến, he doesn't even have the right words because his parents are struggling with their English. Is there a Vietnamese word for what he's going through? Is there a way to tell them he's gay?

Theme: LGBTQ2S+

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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