Results for: massimo novellino

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of LIVES OF TREES
By: massimo novellino | Published: April 2024

The Secrets of Trees invites children to learn the anatomy of trees and how we depend on them, and encourages them to appreciate the power of nature....

The Secrets of Trees invites children to learn the anatomy of trees and how we depend on them, and encourages them to appreciate the power of nature. The book provides basic knowledge about both the vital functions of trees in a larger context and the structural characteristics of their many parts. Children will discover how trees grow, eat, drink, breathe, and sleep. They'll learn how trees defend themselves, how they sometimes attack, how they reproduce, and even in some incredible cases, how they move! Young readers will also be invited to reflect on how trees and humans coexist.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Science - Trees, Plants & Flowers
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