Results for: rob shapiro

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of BOOK OF SAM
By: rob shapiro | Published: August 2020

A hell-bound fantasy starring demons, damsels, and an unlikely hero. Sixteen-year-old Sam Sullinger lives in the shadow of adolescence. He's lost...

A hell-bound fantasy starring demons, damsels, and an unlikely hero. Sixteen-year-old Sam Sullinger lives in the shadow of adolescence. He's lost among his overachieving siblings, constantly knocked down by his harsh father, and bullied daily. His only solace is his best friend and crush, Harper. In a grand plan designed to help him confess his love to Harper, Sam accidentally sets off a series of events that lead to her being kidnapped and taken to Hell. Racked with guilt, Sam makes a bold decision for the first time in his life: He’s going to rescue his only friend. Sam is thrust into a vivid world fraught with demons, vicious beasts, and a falling city. And every leg of his journey reminds him that he isn’t some brave knight on a quest — he’s an insecure teenager yearning to make his mark on at least one world.

Theme: Bullying issues

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
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